Never call a dive rubbish!

I came across this great interview recently with HUGH FEARNLEY-WHITTINGSTALL where he displays a common sense approach to recreational diving and how, if we think that a dive is boring, its probably because we aren’t looking close enough. Hugh is a “Celebrity Chef” from the UK and is author and star of the River Cottage…

The Coelecanth, Living Fossil in Bunaken

Coelecanth is a Devonian lobed fin fish that thrived in the oceans 450-500 million years ago. Its importance lies in the fact that it is considered the “missing link” between fish and animals, ie they were the ones that crawled from the waters to create life on land. It is also an inhabitant of Bunaken…

Dolphins in Bunaken

It is common to see dolphins in Bunaken National Park. There are 28 different types of whales and dolphins that have been seen in the park, however they are shy animals and most of the times we see them in the surface rather than diving. When we do see them then often it is in…

Whitetip Reef Shark in Bunaken

In Bunaken Island, North Sulawesi the Whitetip reef shark is one of our regular encounters. Despite having a face that looks strangely like that of a disgruntled weasel, the Whitetip Reef Shark (Triaenodon obesus) is generally unaggressive toward humans who invade its environment. Although it often rests in caves during daylight hours, this species is…