We See Babies

This week in Lembeh….. We see babies …. Completely opposite to seeing dead people, we have been seeing the beginnings of life over here. Everything from Peacock Mantis shrimps with eggs to Flamboyant Cuttlefish eggs. This well proves life is always starting over here in the strait!

Tepekong and Mimpang

This week in Lembongan… The adventure continues for new dive sites. Tepekong and Mimpang were this weeks targets. Noted in the Bali dive site book as; probably the most single most dangerous site in Bali and nicknamed the toilet because of the currents. Let the adventures begin. 

Dawn dives and day trip

This week in Bunaken… This week we have had quite a few dawn dives going out as well as the years’ first day trip to Mantehage Island. The dawn dives proved once again that the early bird catches the worm and treated the divers to quite a few sharks, large barracudas and tunas hunting. 

Bland can be Beautiful??

This week in Lembeh…. we say bland can be beautiful?? For such an amazing creature, the common seahorse’s (Hippocampus kuda) name does not do it justice. Our guest have seen plenty this week and still love everyone. As we have just passed Valentines day lets share a few fun romantic facts about the Seahorse. -Seahorse…

Rhinopias Have Returned!

This Week in Lembeh… Rhinopias have returned! We have been seeing a Paddle Flap Scorpionfish, Rhinopias eschmeyeri, fairly consistently on one of our dives. These rare scorpionfish are a real treat when found. This one, still a juvenile, is only about 3 inches big was found by Nicole who has been staying with us for…