The First 2 Weeks of DMT Hannah
It’s been just over two weeks since I first arrived in Nusa Lembongan and began my Divemater Internship and I can’t quiet believe how fast the time has gone!
Amazing Underwater Adventures in Indonesia, since 2001
It’s been just over two weeks since I first arrived in Nusa Lembongan and began my Divemater Internship and I can’t quiet believe how fast the time has gone!
This week in Lembongan… We have had some amazingly clear dives on the south side of Nusa Penida. It is common on this side of the island to have waves, which normally results in the visibility being less, then that of the north coast. With these clear waters, we had a great dive at Manta…
North Lombok, the Gili islands this week the water has been calm, clear and perfect for diving!! It has also dropped a bit in temperature, we have averaged at 29 but with all the thermoclines we have been getting 28 and with this we have been spotting a lot more ornate ghost pipefish hiding around…
This week in Lembongan… Even though the mola season has been far from that of other years, they are still around. While diving this week at Crystal Bay, dive guides Murry and Tino were lucky enough to show one of these weird and wonderful creatures to their guests.
I’ve been in Amed for about two weeks now, and a few days ago have officially started my Divemaster course. So much is clear already – it’ll be a busy time!
This week here on the Gili’s, North Lombok we have been seeing a rise in Giant Frogfish. The first spot we had was a few weeks ago at Hans Reef and then nothing, but then this week we had a spot of this black variation at Gili Meno slope followed by a Red variation at…
My last and final week of the divemaster trainee was in Lembongan, a small island across from Bali. The switch was a little unnatural at first but turned out to be an invaluable learning experience. Guiding guests diving in current, higher guests turn around, completely different conditions and aquatic life. Indeed, on our dive yesterday…
This week in Lembongan… An often over looked sea creature by experienced divers and a creature that our guides rarely point out. But very often while teaching PADI Open Water courses or diving with first time divers we get the full finger point and a shrug of the shoulders when passing by these strange sea…
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