Cuttlefish Gili Air

Cuttlefish and Cleanups in Gili Air

Cuttlefish – the ultimate cephalopods Gili Air is home to plenty of cuttlefish, the crazy color-changing cephalopod cousin of octopus and squid.  Like other cephalopods, cuttlefish can instantly change the color, pattern, and texture of their skin and arms for communication and camouflage.  Cuttlefish are also extremely intelligent, with one of the largest brains of…

DMT Cleanup team

DMT House Reef Cleanup and Dive Against Debris®️

Project AWARE (‘Aquatic World Awareness, Responsibility and Education’) is a nonprofit organization originally established in 1989 by PADI that works with volunteer scuba divers acting in their own community around the world to protect the ocean, with two main areas of focus: shark conservation and marine debris. In the scope of Project AWARE’s flagship citizen-science…