There were a lot of action in the blue thanks to full moon this week in Amed! If the wind is one of the most influencious factor when it comes to water conditions, there is an other one to be considered, the moon. The Moon is actually responsible for the biggest wave movements we have at the surface. Depending on how far or close it is from Earth, it has a direct impact on tides, currents and so on the marine life as it changes the conditions. When you have a few or no experience with currents, it can sounds like tricky and hazardous diving but it has a great advantage. This advantage is that full moon creates a lot of action in the water and so the diver there can witness a lot of interesting scenes.
Trevally, reef sharks, tunas and many more species love these conditions for a good hunt and you can see them chasing they preys at high speed. Small fishes feeding themselves out of plankton love current as well as there is more to be caught and they swim into it. Basically, you’ll see all fishes out in the swim and this is priceless!
A funny thing is that they offer the diver a vision of where the current is. Sometimes, you will swim sheltered in a bay with nice and calm water and, as you get to the rocky tip at the end, you would see a school of fish fighting the against the invisible, all pointing in the same direction. This clearly let you know where the current picks up and gives you an insight of what you feel like doing, going further or not.
This week was Christmas and full moon at TwoFish Amed so we had a lot of fun and action in the water, tricky was maybe to keep your Christmas hat on during one of these exciting dives.