Three weeks done, three to go. Time flies when you are diving and studying all day, every day. That’s a good thing I guess, it means I’m having fun. But it’s also a bit sad, since it means that I’m going home soon.
The DMT stuff is well on its way now. I’ve done a couple of the fitness tests, and started doing some boat and dive briefings. I also did my first dive as a guide the other day. Steph, one of my instructors, was a bit of a handful. Doing all the stuff a diver shouldn’t do, and messing up a bit of Anna’s (the other DMT here) gear to see if I noticed. She did everything on purpose of course, to prepare me for problems that might arise in the future. I think I did alright for my first time, but still have lots to learn.
We also had to say goodbye to Ben a couple of days ago. He left Two Fish as a happy DM, and handled the Snorkel Test pretty good. We’ll see if I can live up to the standards he left behind. I guess you´ll see some of the photos if you follow Two Fish on Facebook, or read the new blog posts. I guess that´s it for now. New updates to come.