Things are starting to get serious on this little tropical island. With only two weeks to go, I have to be able to handle more and more of the things that are needed from a DM to keep a dive center running.
My newest responsibilities have been to give briefings to new guests when they arrive at the resort, and finding the right dive equipment for them from our rental collection. They also put me through harder and harder simulations that include “guests” that are very hard to handle, and bring up challenging problems for me to solve. I´m sure the instructors are having the time of their lives, trying to come up with all of these things and of course acting them out. Sometimes it´s hard to realize all the things you are not prepared to handle yet, but I guess that it´s a good way to learn. We always have a debrief after these simulations, so that they can tell us what we could have done differently, as well as what we did right.
Also, all the things we need to get done during the day, makes it harder and harder to find the time to study. Hopefully I will finish the DM manual soon, so I`ll have more time for the other tasks that need doing.