7 weeks of diving down! Finished both my rescue diving course and my Divemaster. Its sad to say goodbye to all the new friends I’ve made but I hope to see everybody somewhere down the track.
Ive learnt so much in those 2 months its amazing, I could not have asked for better teachers.
Mr Crowley definitely has a gift with teaching and helping you overcome any fears you may have without making you feel small, Laurent with his teaching of the manta specialty and his photography skills has taught me loads, Karoline teaching me how to be flamboyant underwater on the AOW and also being incredibly good at being bad underwater being my pretend DSD student, Bryce you didn’t do any of my courses but your a top bloke and were always friendly, Christian my DMT friend there is something about sipping copious amounts of alcohol from the same snorkel that brings you closer to someone…
Last but not least the guides Andy, Yayan, Rendy really good guys. Will miss you all! I highly recommend Nusa Lembongan for some beautiful diving with loads of big stuff and some cool small stuff too plus you couldn’t ask for a better crew.
Thank you all.
Well done buddy! And I give a 5 point for the nap test!!!
yes – and the Divemaster napping project….! 😀