Taking a look at the sponge crab
It’s been awhile ago since our last blog from Sanur so hereby an update on what happened the past two weeks at the most fun dive center. Rhia came to do her refresher and believe it or not but she did the mask remove and replace skill!! It was great, she did it so confidently and even though she was nervous she did an amazing job! I’m so happy you got over your fears! Keep on practicing and after a while, you won’t even think about it anymore.

Amber in the Mangroves, looking like a mermaid!
Our dive trips the last weeks started with Brian, we explored Padang Bai where we found this amazing sponge crab. Mostly these crabs are not out during the day so we were surprised so see it. A hungry white-spotted pufferfish was trying to have a bite out of this crab so while we were checking out this cool creature we scared the pufferfish away as well, so maybe we saved a life!

Crystal clear waters in crystal Bay with Paul and Eve
The next day we went to Penida with Amber and Adrian. Amber looks like a real-life Ariel mermaid so I had a lot of fun taking some pictures during the dives. It was not the best Manta-Ray day but we managed to spot one anyway, that was very lucky! In the mangroves, we descended in shallow water that was so murky we couldn’t see our own feet. As if it was magic when we dived a bit deeper the murkiness disappeared and we dived in crystal clear +20m viz water! A comfortable drift dive with lots and lots to see!
And believe it or not but we went to Penida again the next day! With Paul and Eve! We dived in Manta Point and Crystal Bay, and they snorkeled the beautiful dive site Toyah Pakeh at the end of the day. Crystal Bay really stood up to its name, crystal clear waters!

Tony taking a picture of an anemone
Victoria, Heather, Wuryati, Jerald, and KY also joined us for more dives in Nusa Penida, and Tony joined us for some dives in Padang Bai. Thank you all for diving with us! We hope to see you again for more dives, more Mola hunts, and more manta rays.
Have a nice day and happy bubbles!