This week in Lembongan… We have had some amazingly clear dives on the south side of Nusa Penida. It is common on this side of the island to have waves, which normally results in the visibility being less, then that of the north coast. With these clear waters, we had a great dive at Manta Point with friendly mantas. Most of the dive time was spent around the cleaning station watching to large females circle the rock formation, while being cleaned by the reef fish. Our boat was the first one there, so we had around 20 minutes of the dive by ourselves, making the most of the time with the mantas before the other dive centres arrived.
After spending sometime at the cleaning station from all sides, trying to get the best views and photos of the mantas, the groups made there way towards the deeper part of the dive site. Along this swim, our divers were greeted by more mantas just gliding on by. The great thing about these moments, was that with the clear waters, we could see the mantas coming from a distance, giving us a longer time to experience their beauty.
Towards the end of the dive, whilst still away from the cleaning station, 3 mantas, in a train swam on by the group of divers. This was the starting of a mating train and while the divers waited while the mantas passed by, we got to see a few different tricks by the lead manta, followed by the trailing mantas trying to copy the leader. The mantas were not bothered by the divers, and continued their display; around, above and passed all the divers.
All in all, it was a great dive at Manta Point, warm waters, clear views and around 10 mantas throughout the dive.