Anna from Sweden recently sent us a few of the great photos that she took during her stay with us here at Two Fish Divers Lembeh in February 2010.
If you look very closely at the photo of the Saddleback Anemonefish you can see another pair of eyes staring out at you from its mouth! This is a parasitic relationship, where the tiny isopod climbs into the Anemonefish’s mouth and latches onto its tongue. The tongue then dies and the isopod replaces the tongue! The fish continues to live but if you see one looking like it is coughing, then try to get a close-up look into its mouth and you may see one of these little guys looking back at you! Thanks to Bent for enlightening us about the existence of this relationship and of course Anna for the amazing shot!
The Striped Frogfish (Antennarius Striatus ) comes in a couple of different varieties including the Hairy Frogfish, which is shown here. The usually solitary Hairy Frogfish trap their prey with the help of their long worm-like lure, which Anna managed to capture perfectly! You can find them laying in wait for their next victim on sandy or rubble bottoms.
Anna took a beautiful photo of two Mandarinfish (Synchiropus Splendidus) whilst they were doing their mating ritual. Mandarinfish shelter amongst shallow coral rubble areas and only tend to come out of hiding at dusk to spawn!
If anyone else has any great pictures from their stay in Lembeh and would like to see them on our blog then please email them to us on and .