This week we gained a lot speed, I finished my theory and passed both the exams, yeah!
Then I did my Nitrox Course with Sandy and on the Nitrox dives I also ticked off the Discover Local Dive and the Guiding of certified divers. These were simulated dives with Sandy and Rolly and the situations were really funny.
Next came the swim-test, that I feared a bit, because I didn’t train for them. But with burning muscels and a lot of will to go through this, it turned out, that I was faster than I expected and could go for 4/5 for 3 of the tests, for the 15 min float I scored with 5/5.
Today there was first the skill assessment which was OK and then the Stresstest… Trine and me had to change our equipment breathing from one single tank, we passed this also scoring a 4! We plan to party a bit this evening and I’m looking forward to the next week, although the course will come to its end.