I’m already halfway through my Divemaster course, seems like yesterday that I arrived from Sweden. I pretty much spent the first weeks learning my way around the dive shop and the different routines with all the gear and guests, and of course a lot of diving, which for me meant that I first of all had to learn how to use the BCD for buoyancy and not the drysuit that I usually use back home. Also trying to get used to seeing so much fish on every single dive! 🙂
I’ve also done the DM-exam, finished my “Emergency action plan”, some sessions in the pool with the skill circuit, rescue skills and finished the deep, drift and Nitrox specs. Still have manta and search & recovery left but with some luck I’ll get those done in the next couple of days.
I’ve assisted on an open water course which was a really good experience and fun. Really nice to see the students evolve in 3 days from non-divers to certified divers. Today we went out to the house reef and did the “Scuba review workshop” and I also did my first waterskill-assessment. Scored a 5 on my floating which was nice. Feels good to get a good start with that! The next couple of weeks will be filled with assessments, workshops and more diving!
So far I’ve learned a lot about diving and the factors that affects us when we are diving. And about the marine life. Hopefully theres is much more to learn in my next three weeks.