This week in tec… Carmelo from Switzerland has spent so long with us now doing his PADI Divemaster course that we needed to find other ways to keep him busy. So after a couple of try dives on Sidemount and Twinsets he took the plunge and started the TDI Advanced Nitrox and Decompression Procedures courses.
A tough week later with skills, dives and truck loads of theory he is now qualified on both configurations and has some good callouses on his thumbs from the clips. Anyone who has dived with sidemount configuration and stage bottles knows that in the beginning your thumbs easily get quite a few cuts from the clips. He even earned a nick-name from the crew when he was complaining; “Mulus”- Soft skin!
Well done Carmelo and welcome to the world of technical diving – you’ll never want to dive with a single tank again! Once a tec diver, always a tec diver!