The Emperor Shrimp added a little Royalty to Lembeh this week. These colourful little crustaceans can be found usually walking around on the back of large sea slugs – but sometimes they choose other creatures as hosts – even Nudibranchs! They have a Symbiotic Relationship with their hosts – in this case a Commensal Symbiosis – which means they benefit from their host without negatively affecting them at all. These amazing shots of a solo Emperor Shrimp, and a pair, were taken by our guests, Kevin and Simone.
Looks like the cephalopods are back in full form this week! Lots of sightings of Blue Ringed, Long Armed and Coconut Octopus. Along with these guys, our guests are also seeing lots of Hairy Frog Fish, Giant Frog Fish, Mantis Shrimp and Nudibranchs. One Nudibranch in particular worth mentioning is the Green Melibe nudibranch. Spotted by one of our guests, this guy could easily convince you that aliens DO exist on Earth – its just that they are UNDERWATER!
Mark had the pleasure of teaching two courses this week. Sam came and completed his Open Water and Advanced Open Water with us. Congratulations Sam! It’s always great introducing new divers to the underwater world in Lembeh! Why dont you come and learn to dive in the worlds best Muck location?
We had two returning guests this week. Judith and Sylvain came to see us once again – this is the third visit for both of them and it’s been lovely to see them. Our guests this week, hailed from New Zealand, France, Philippines, the UK and China.
Happy Bubbles!