Tech diving and recreational scuba diving (“regular” scuba diving) share many similarities, but there are just as many differences between the two. If they were exactly the same – why bother with the additional equipment, after all!
The depth limit for PADI Deep Diver Speciality certified divers and dive professionals is 40 meters because below that you have virtually zero no decompression time available to you, meaning divers cannot return directly to the surface.
Another concern is oxygen, which makes up 21% of the gas in your air tank. Taken to depths greather than 60 metres and breathed there, air becomes toxic and can result in oxygen toxicity. When we dive with Nitrox we increase the percentage of oxygen in the tank to a higher level meaning we actually reduce our allowable depth.
Tech divers dive generally deeper than recreational scuba divers and they are able to do so by using different breathing gases at different depths to lower the risks associated with their dive in terms of narcosis, oxygen toxicity, decompression sickness and more.
Another factor which differentiates the two types of diving is dive time. Hypothetically speaking, if a recreational scuba diver on a single tank was to dive to 50 meters it is unlikely they would have enough air left in their tank to make the required decompression stops on the way to the surface.
What’s the Point of Tech Diving?
There are many reasons for tech diving – here are few common reasons for tech diving:
- Wreck exploration – many wrecks are at depths which are beyond the limits of recreational diving
- Marine life – especially pelagic species and sharks prefer to stay in the deeper waters where it is cooler so tech diving gives you an increased chance of a sighting. Marine scientists will often tech dive to gain longer bottom times at extreme depths to carry our surveys – or they will simply hire specialised tech divers to do this for them for research purposes.
- Geographical location – some regions naturally lend themselves to tech diving: 1) Amed in Bali is an incredible tech diving location with abundant marine life and phenomenal coral growth into the depths and unusual marine life; 2) The waters in between Manado City on the mainland and Bunaken Island are among some of the deepest in Indonesia and in places reach in excess of 1,000km.
- It’s a challenge and can therefore be very rewarding.
- You’ll see parts of the underwater world which very few – if any divers – have seen before.
These are excellent reasons for getting into tech but there are also some very solid reasons for not getting into tech diving: Trying to beat a personal best depth, to beat a buddy’s depth or to prove that you can. Tech diving requires focus, awareness, a responsible attitude, the ability to think clearly and logically underwater, the ability to remain calm and most of all, the courage to call off a dive when necessary. Tech diving also requires a degree of fitness so if you are not as in shape as you’d like to be, start working on your strength and stamina before your tech training.
How do I get started in Tech?
Similar to the PADI Discover Scuba Diver experience that gives people a chance to try scuba diving to “see how it feels” before committing to a course, we offer an equivalent “Try Technical Diving” experience as well as some short/entry-level courses.
For those who are interested in tech diving and finding out a little more about using a different configuration of equipment, added tanks and of course, looking very cool, then Discover Tech is a good way to do so.
You will learn the basic setup of twinsets or sidemount cylinders, and you will be introduced to some of the tech skills learnt in the the first tech level course, the PADI Tech 40. As part of this program you’ll have one pool training session in addition to one dive in the ocean. Beware though – once bitten by the tech diving bug you might be forever smitten!
DISCOVER TECH Prerequisites: You will need to be at least an open water diver with a minimum of 10 dives
In addition to offering the PADI TecRec Tec 40 course we also offer the entry level TDI Course. Both courses contain much of the same material and there is little difference between them. If you are not sure which route to take, contact us for more information and we can advise you on the best way to get started
If you want to get certified in tech diving then this is the first course to take. The Tec 40 is the entry point into technical diving, the transition from recreational diving. During the course you will be using the full technical diving equipment configuration of twin banded tanks and carrying up to one stage tank to a maximum depth of 40 meters.
During this course you will learn to plan dives accounting for gas requirements, decompression, oxygen exposure and inert gas narcosis using up to EANx50 to conduct dives with up to 10min of decompression; and to have a contingency for when things do not go as planned!
Perfect for anyone who wants to go beyond a Discover Tech day but doesn’t have enough time for a full Tec 40 course or does not yet fulfil all of the prerequisites. Tec Basics allows qualified Advanced Open Water divers to learn more about what technical diving is all about before committing to a full course.
During two pool sessions and two open water dives, you learn to handle three cylinders, plan dives, calculate gas requirements and much more.
Intro to Tech focuses on finding your way around the twinset configuration. The focus is on laying solid foundations for future tech diving training and building your comfort level in this new configuration. It’s also about changing your mindset from recreational to tech diver and exploring all aspects of dive planning required for safe technical dives.
Dedicated Two Fish Tech Operation
Our dedicated tech diving operation in Amed, Bali, offers tech diving support, TDI and PADI diver level courses and TDI instructor training.
At our Two Fish Divers Bunaken Resort, in North Sulawesi we also offer technical diving trips, CCR support and exploration dives.
If you’d like to know more about our tech diving options and courses, fill in the form below and we’ll get right back to you.
We are looking forward to tech diving with you soon!