This week in Bali: its amazing what a variety you can find in the coral in Bali, besides just the variety you can also find some fascinating coral structures all around bali and the Nusa Penida and Lembongan areas.
An interesting fact about corals is that although some corals catch small fish and plankton with the help of stinging cells on their tentacles, a number of corals produce their food through Photosynthesis which is a similar type of photosynthesis that plants on land use to produce their food as well. This is why in the shallow areas where you have an abundance of sunlight is where most often you get some of the healthiest and most dense coral structures. This is particularly true of the coral in Bali, Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Penida where many coral gardens are in pristine condition.
At the moment in Bali, the waters on the northeast coast have been really calm, offering very favorable conditions for courses. So, what are you waiting for? Book you next scuba certification now and come learn to dive with Two Fish Divers.