So this week in South Lombok we have been finishing the trainee staffs rescue course and you can see in the picture me in the back with my handsome assistant Munahir and the three trainees in the front looking a little tired form all the rescue practice. Its been a tough week for the trainees being put through there rescue and now we are getting ready to send them over to Lembongan for the next part of their training. Good luck boys and we will see you soon!!
We also had some great dives this week with patt and lucas and they were very lucky we sore so much like the pygmy sae horse, painted frog fish, cuttle fish, nudibranches, octapus, double ended pipe fish, milibede, turtles and many many more.
Also a very exciting week for me as i felt my first earth quake {not a big one but enough]and i sat there none the wiser while every one else jumped outside, well i know what to do for next time. Nice weather again this week lots of sunshine great visibility, only small currents and all in all another amazing week in south lombok.