Belongas, South Lombok this week has been the rise of Great hammerheads.
Down here in Belongas we have the opportunity to see both the scalloped hammerheads and the great hammerheads. The scalloped form in schools where as the great are known to be more solitary.
When we encounter the great hammerheads we usually only see 3-4 on a dive if we are lucky but this week on individual dives we have been spotting 8-10!
Among the Hammerheads we have run into schools of Mobula ray’s and eagle rays.
Mobula rays are found at our dive site “Gili Sarang” whereas the Eagle rays are generally in” The Magnet” but it seems that the eagle rays we in need of a change and joined the Mobulas in “Gili Sarang”.
Coming into the end of the season we have said farewell to two staff Rein and Kress as they make their journey back to the other Two Fish locations where they come from. It has been a fun season and they will be missed greatly.
We would also like to welcome Guillermo our new Dive master trainee who arrived yesterday and is settling in nicely with his first day out on the boat exploring what South Lombok has to offer. He will stay with us in Lombok for 15 days then head over to Two fish in Lembongan and end the course in Lembeh. Let the fun and new adventures begin!
Amber D Roonie