Juanma Orta came to stay with us in July this year and really loved the Lembeh Critters and spending some time getting some great photos of them as well!
Fire Urchins are plentiful in Lembeh and are often act as a host to small shrimps, Zebra Crabs and Emperor Snapper. Try not to get too close to one of these, their venomous spines intense pain if you get one stuck into you.
This ‘cute’ critter is the Stargrazer. Found on sandy bottoms, it is only spotted as its goggle-like eyes and mouth full of teeth protrude from the sediment, with the rest of the body buried. They are quite a hard find so most of our customers are very happy when we spot one for them!
Thank you Juanma for sending these photos through and if anyone else would like to check out more of his photos then please follow this link: http://www.juanmaorta.com/en/galleries/5566/