This week in Lembeh …. we have been cleaning up the oceans and leaving happy fish to enjoy cleaner waters. A Dive against debris organized by Georgia, as part of her DMT course, got the whole resort including all guests involved in helping our oceans. It was a great success and we want to thank everyone that participated!
Georgia has completed her Divemaster course this week with us in Lembeh. Getting through the last little bit was great fun, as well as the after party! So to her we say Congratulations!!
Guest Nic was excited to see, on his last day, a Mimic which was #1 on his wish list and Georgia saw her first seahorse! Maxine and Robert couldn’t stop talking about all the things they had seen over just a short stay with us, things like: Bobtailed Squid, Flamboyant Cuttlefish, Hairy Frogfish, Painted Frogfish, Ambon Scorpionfish, Ornate Ghost Pipefish, 4 different types of Pygmy Seahorses, and the list goes on. It’s been a good week.
well done…but what is the source of all that junk? where does it all come from? who do you have to educated to get a better chance of winning this battle?
well done…but what is the source of all that junk? where does it all come from? who do you have to educated to get a better chance of winning this battle?