The Idiomysis bring colour and cuteness to Lembeh Strait this week. These lovely little Shrimp are so bright and unusual looking, they almost don’t look real! Thanks to our guest, Volker for taking these great shots of the tiny little guys!
The Idiomysis or Opossum Shrimp is only the size of a grain of rice. They like to hang out in dense groups from five to forty, in the daylight, quite the socialite! The Idiomysis can be found in shallow sandy areas or hanging with Anemones or Jellyfish. The females keep their eggs in a pouch, known as Marsupium. The males inject their sperm into this pouch and after a while, the eggs hatch into miniature adults. They may be tiny but they make for a beautiful photo with their adorable huge eyes!
Also seen this week was the Blue Ringed Octopus. Again, our guests are spotting these guys on the afternoon dives, so it just goes to show, you don’t really ever want to miss a dive here in Lembeh. We also saw 5 Coconut Octopus at Rojos yesterday and 2 Wunderpus at Retak Larry!
We are now into our wet season but the critters don’t seem to mind, they are out and about and our guests are getting some awesome pictures!
This week on Lembeh guest, Laura had a double Discover Scuba Dive experience. Instructor Deb took her out on the house reef for some skills then they joined the rest of the divers for her second dive out at Police Pier. She totally enjoyed her experience and might even do her PADI Open Water Course some time soon. Instructor Mark taught guest, Catherine all about the world of Enriched Air Diving and Deb was the lucky instructor to take her on her first two Enriched Air dives. Well done Catherine on completing the course successfully!
Our guests this week came from Australia, Germany, The Netherlands, the UK, Singapore and Canada.
Happy Bubbles!