Well, it’s done! After four weeks of slavery and hard work, I’m now a PADI Divemaster!! No just kidding, it has been an incredible journey, filled with laughs, fun, amazing dives and good memories with a really cool team.
I specially enjoyed assisting on the two rescue courses, sorry to the students (Tanja and Angela) if we were just a little bit hard some time : ) but in the end it was a lot of fun for everyone! Unfortunately, I had two ear infections during my course, that kept me out the water for a couple days which really sucked!!
The “Scuba fact of the day” given by Bryce, we’re pretty hilarious most of time, and one in particular that I can not talk about here, because of its “explicit contain”… hahaha!
The swimming tests were not as hard as I thought they were going to be, thanks, Lord of the sea!! I saw so much aquatic life over there! Each dive was better than the previous one and more enjoyable, but sadly I didn’t see any Mola Mola : (.. I’m pretty sure that this creature doesn’t exist, in fact, I think it must be a fantasy created with photoshop to attract tourism, haha! But seriously I have learned a lot during my 4 weeks, I dived a lot and gained a lot of confidence with my aquatic life. Thanks a lot to everyone working at Two Fish, the guides, the instructors, the office staff, the boat crew and to my mentor, Bryce the nice! ( Brice de Nice pour ceux qui connaissent…meme s’il ne lui ressemble pas du tout)
It has been an awesome experience. It has just been a couple days now that I have been out of the water and it really feels weird. I don’t know what the next step for me is now or what I’m going to do, but it will definitively involve diving!!
Très beau texte Phil :))) je suis vraiment fière de toi:))) et tu ressemble étrangement à papa la dessus ….
C’est en plein ce que j’étais en train de me dire!!!
Oui je suis d accord
Well done Phil 🙂
Thats it Philippe Coallier
Congrats 🙂