It was a very nice week with some excellent sightings of leaf scorpion fish at Lekuan II in Bunaken.
We also were quite busy with courses. Julia & Malin did their open water course with Markus and had a really good laugh. They make the perfect buddy team!
Bobo explored scuba diving for the first time and loved it so much that she did an additional dive with instructor Wong.
Lin and Olivia did their Nitrox certification with Markus and can enjoy longer bottom times and hopefully see some more sharks when hanging out a bit longer at depth.
Olivia also did her Emergency First Responder course and is in full swing of her rescue course
Short noticed we had a group of 6 fun divers and 5 discover scuba divers. The group is volunteering at the local clinique in Bunaken and on their day off came to explore the magic coral walls of Bunaken.
Have a good day!
Your Bunaken team