Lembeh’s elusive Hairy Frogfish have finally decided to come out after being in hiding for quite some time! These great shots were captured by our guests Keiko and Kev and Sim.
The Hairy Frogfish is one of the most sought after species of Frogfish when it comes to underwater photography. Also known as the Striated Frogfish, these guys only grow up to an approximate length of 22 centimeters. They are called the Hairy Frogfish as their bodies are covered with many spines which resemble hairs. These guys, as with all Frogfish, are found on sponges where they wait patiently to lure and ambush their prey. They are incredibly clever at camouflage, having the ability to change both their colour and pigment pattern to blend into their environment. Frogfish prefer to dine on other Fish, Crustaceans, and other Frogfish.
Hairy Frogfish live a solitary life, only ever coming together when it’s time to mate. It’s actually rather late in the year to still be seeing these critters, as they usually move on to make room for the Octopus who prefer the cooler water temperatures. Our guests are getting the pleasure of seeing both Frogfish and Octopus at this time of the year!
Lembeh Strait is one of the primary places in the world to see the Hairy Frogfish, we are so fortunate to be able to see this guys right on our doorstep! Also seen this week were the Giant Frogfish, Painted Frogfish, Hairy Squat Lobster, Bobtail Squid and so much more!
Our guests this week in Lembeh came all the way from the Netherlands, South Korea, Switzerland and the UK.
Happy Bubbles!
Im looking forward to coming back one day!
Keep them safe for a few days and I hope to see them v v soon ?
Annemiek ?