This Week In Lembongan…. The diving style in Lembongan is somewhat like the life of a jellyfish. With the currents, we move like a jelly fish, rhyme don’t mean nothing, we just go with the flow.
Yes Lembongan is quite know for its currents and when the moon reaches its full or new phase, we experience large tidal movements. With these tidal movements, we can get have some fast currents during low tide. The dive sites located on the north coast of Penida are more often then not, drift dives. The linear currents that we experience heading east or west along the coast of Penida make diving nice and lazy. It is very rare that we flight the current here at Two Fish Divers. When we are diving at one of our drift dive locations, we check which way the current is going and we just go with the flow. If the current changes direction underwater then we change direction. With not having to kick, you use less air, which allows you to spend more time exploring the colourful reefs of Nusa Lembongan.
Some creatures that we get around our reefs, love these currents. Things like Giant Trevally and Barracuda use the moving waters to hunt. Sharks face the currents to have the water pass over their gills easier. Jellyfish are the ultimate lazy creature, they just site back and enjoy the ride, where ever it may go! So feel free to just go with the flow with us at Two Fish Divers Lembongan.
Amazing photo