Yesterday’s night dive really was a trip to Crabsville…..
Luckily our guests had their cameras at the ready to get a shot of this decorator crab (yes, it really is a crab and not a piece of walking coral).
Our dive guides love the challenge of finding the strangest critters they possibly can – the smaller and weirder the better, such as the tiny spider crabs. They also spotted a miniscule bobtail cuttlefish, a very well camouflaged scorpion fish and a sponge crab or two. The sponge crab is so called because it cuts off a large piece of sponge and wears it as a hat, to disguise itself on the reef. We’re not sure what happened to the sponge crab in the photo below as he’s totally naked….guess we must have caught him in the middle of a costume- change!
The night-life of Bunaken is truly world famous…..not for its international club scene, but for its crazy nocturnal aquatic creatures!