First week of the Divemaster course at Two Fish in Nusa Lembongan, Check! It has been awesome, deep dive, mapping, assisting, guiding are just some of the stuff I’ve done.
The thing that took most of my focus this first week was the beach cleanup which I choose for my Project AWARE.It’s hard work to plan a thing like that but lucky for me I had a friend helping me. We went around the island looking for sponsorship so we could have a small competition with prices (unsurprisingly it was beer). We got the other dive centers involved and they helped us promote the event. We made posters and in the end it turned out to be a great success with over 40 people taking part. We cleaned roughly 1000m of beach and filled forty bags of garbage, of wich I now have to sort for the Project AWARE forms. Awesome! Hopefully I will be done by the end of the week.
After that I had my first day off which I spent with some friends I met the day before at the beach cleanup. We rented scooters and explored the island which was a lot of fun and two of them actually ended up booking dives with us!
Last but not least I want to thank the guys at the dive center, they really make me feel welcome. You guys are awesome!
See you all next week.
Kris, DMT at Two Fish Divers, Nusa Lembongan
Find out more about doing your PADI Divemaster Course with us with Two Fish Divers.