In amongst the beautiful sloping corals of South Lombok’s stunning reefs, we also have a few sandy patches where we can look for macro critters. We usually glide pretty close to the sand to find these smaller animals but over the past week we’ve had good reason to stay a little higher in the water column and enjoy another spectacle… the bluespotted ribbon tail ray (Taeniura lymma) is here and hiding in the sands. These smaller rays have a beautiful olive green hue flecked with blue spots going down to a black and white striped tail… a tail that tends to be the “tell-tale” sign (yeah, I went there) that the stingray is there as they tend to cover the rest of the body with sand, leaving only the tail visible plus their two eyes, popping up above the sand to keep an eye out for threats or food. The bluespotted ribbon tail rays are everywhere at the moment and they are amazing to spot in the sand – and occassionally we see an individual bluespotted ribbon tail ray out swimming from hiding place to hiding place.
It’s been a good week for seasoned divers and newbies alike here at Two Fish Divers South Lombok (AKA the Dive Farm). We’ve had guests joining us to fun dive from as far afield as New York, Sweden, South Africa and Brazil, all enjoying the variety of corals, reef fish, sandy dwellers (like the ribbon tail rays) and a multitude of different nudis to keep us very happy in the 30c waters. Henrik and family also joined us to discover the underwater world for the first time by doing a Discover Scuba Dive where our experienced PADI divemasters Moon and Ipan took them safely through their basic skills before exploring some of our very colourful shallower reefs.
If you’d like to join us and dive some of the best reefs in Indonesia, fill in the form below and we will get right back to you! Did you know that you can combine staying in South Lombok with diving in the Gili Islands and Nusa Lembongan too? Ask us for more details!