Every week we organize sanur scuba club for kids from one of the local schools Sanur Independent School. This week we practiced fish identification. Laminated pictures of a shark, Nudibranch, Moorish Idol, Anemone Fish, Goatfish and many more were hidden in the pool, and the kids had to find a specific fish and signal their buddy if they had found somebody else’s fish. They were amazing at identifying the fish and they managed to find all of them within no time!
Last week we also had a few day-trips. We took Yani to Amed and dove the Japanese shipwreck and the pyramids. Around the Japanese shipwreck the coral is beautiful and full of reef fish, we even spotted a turtle!
The with our fun divers Nick and Mark we explored the dive sites Manta Point, Toya Pakeh and SD in Nusa Penida. At Manta Point we swam with more than 10 Mantas, and at Toya Pakeh and SD we spotted a huge tuna, many turtles and giant trevally.
We also had Mandy and Debra finishing their Advanced Open Water course after diving in Padang Bai and Nusa Penida. Congratulations on your advanced certification ladies!!