Another reason that we like Shark Savers is that they are also involved in protecting Manta Rays, something that is an important part of the environment in Two Fish Divers Lembongan where we have almost-permanent sightings of these fantastic creatures.
In their 2013 end-of-year summary, Shark Savers gives an overview of their Campaign for Protecting Manta and Mobula Rays.
Protecting Manta and Mobula Rays
Manta Ray of Hope (MROH) exposes the rapidly escalating threat to manta and mobula rays and works to ensure the long-term conservation of these extremely vulnerable animals. It is a collaborative initiative by WildAid, Shark Savers, and The Manta Trust, with additional scientists, researchers, national and international organizations, and dive operators.
2013 Achievements for Manta Ray of Hope
Our original, global, and comprehensive research report, Manta Ray of Hope: The Global Threat to Manta and Mobula Rays, and media campaigns resulted in:
- Delegates to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) voted to protect both manta ray species in March 2013. In addition to providing critical data from Manta Ray of Hope investigations to the proposal to include manta rays on CITES Appendix II, the Manta Ray of Hope team supported sponsor countries and helped to win more votes for protecting manta rays through our research, films, and events leading up to and at CITES.
- The Global Economic Impact of Manta Ray Watching Tourism, a peer-reviewed study produced by the MROH team, was published in PlosONE journal. The study demonstrates the high value of mantas as a revenue-attracting tourism resource, capable of providing long-term, sustainable economic benefits to communities in manta range states and justifying manta ray protection.
- Support for implementation of CITES protections for mantas and sharks. In close collaboration with international and national organizations, we are assisting countries with implementation of the new CoP16 CITES listings for manta and shark species. We contributed to supporting documentation and produced a local media campaign, which are making unprecedented progress towards implementing manta ray protection in Indonesia, the country responsible for close to half of manta fisheries worldwide.
We need your continued support more than ever.
There is no question that our shark fin soup campaign educated and motivated people throughout Asia to stop eating the soup. The shark fin trade is in a serious slump as a result. Our campaign is now reaching a crescendo with hundreds of celebrities and hundreds of thousands of supporters, most of whom joined the effort in the past few months. This campaign must be sustained to make the initial results permanent.
While we achieved new protections for several shark and manta species at CITES, true success will only be had with new protections in the range states. We are focusing efforts in Indonesia, the world’s largest shark fishery and one of the two largest manta fisheries. Progress is visible there to a degree never expected, but this will be a long fight.
Donating to the shark, manta, and marine protection programs of WildAid/Shark Savers is a good conservation investment.
Our campaigns to stop consumption of shark fin and manta gills in Asia are heavily leveraged by our receipt of millions of dollars of donated media placement. Our efforts to curb supply through our manta and marine protection programs are highly focused to achieve measurable results to preserve vulnerable shark and manta populations and their habitats.
By donating, you will help us educate consumers, protect sharks and mantas, and expand marine programs.