‘WHAT?!’, you all cry!
We couldn’t believe it either when Andrea and Martin ,two of our recent guests, surfaced from an afternoon house reef dive talking at the speed of light.
‘Did I hear you correctly?’, I asked, ‘Did you say Mandarin fish?!’
They then went onto explain that they were investigating one of the large patches of Staghorn Coral and they saw a large 4-5cm Mandarin fish darting in and out of the coral. Andrea and Martin were completing their dive between 3-4pm and Mandarin fish are usually seen at dusk, when they come out to mate!
Unfortunately he was moving too quickly and so Andrea was unable to get a photo (which we really wanted for all you non-believers out there! The photo above is from a Mandarin dive not too long ago) but we are hoping to get out there tomorrow to check him out ourselves!