This Juvenile Pinnate Spadefish on Banana Point was amazing! It’s basically the reaction everybody had after this dive on Banana Point. Lubomir and Denisa, two students taking their Advanced Open Water Course with instructor Ezekiel were very pleased this beautiful fish has been spotted during the Adventure Dive Nitrox of their Advanced course. The juvenile Pinnate Spadefish (Platax Pinnatus) is a real enchantment. It’s particularly long and typical shape cast a spell on the diver from the first second you look at it. Black bodied with that bright orange line all along the edge of its body, the Pinnate Spadefish is fascinating and you could stay there forever just watching at that beauty. The one we saw was sheltered between a sea fan and a big sponge just chilling there like if it was waiting for us to discover it!
Not only this Pinnate Spadefish Juvenile was amazing, Denisa particularly enjoyed the Hawksbill Turtle we found feeding itself from the reef. After a quick look at us, it decided to swim away and we had the pleasure to see it over the reef before it gets out of sight. More emotions were to come on the PADI Deep Speciality. The objective of that course was to certify them to a maximum depth of 40m on air without deco procedures. Out of the four dives, two were deeper than 30m and loads of action happened in the deep as the condition were a tiny bit currently. Proper drift for us through the schooling of fusilier or snappers. It was a lot of fun!
Come and have a look in the deep water of Amed and maybe you’ll also have a chance to see these beauties!