This Week in Lembongan…. It has been a week of large creatures with our divers seeing Whale Shark, Molas and Mantas. Dive guide Rein and his divers had one amazing dive in which they saw 2 molas within the first 10 minutes and a whale shark not long after that.
Lembongan is quite know for its larger creatures. A lot of our divers come here just to see the Manta Rays and the Molas. Whale Sharks are not very common here, only around 4 or 5 sightings a year, so when one of these amazing beasts emerges from the blue it is taken as a gift from Poseidon himself. Divers then do need to be quite lucky to see one of these large sharks, but to also see two Molas in the same dive, that is some next level luck. Luke, Lembeh’s newest instructor, happened to be on this amazing dive and maybe he was the one that brought all the luck. Have a look out for Lembeh’s blog post after Luke’s first week to see what his luck brought from the blue.
We have also had some amazing dives at Manta Point with divers seeing more Mantas then they could count at the cleaning station. The Molas have been more in north Penida and some divers saw them 3 days in a row. All these large creatures have not scared away the smaller critters, Nudibranch, Cuttlefish, Leaf Scorpion Fish, Scorpion Fish, Boxer Shrimp, Frog Fish and Harlequin Shrimp have been spotted in the reefs this week.
Nickie Livett and Phillip Ayres your group???
Unfortunately not Annemiek Beersma – we didn’t have Tanja Pullens in our group as the ‘lucky mascot’! 🙂