We want to welcome Scott and Robyn to the Two Fish Lembeh Management Team, and as semi-pro photographers they promise to help you improve your Underwater Photography Skills!
Robyn is our Instructor and Scott is our Dive Manager, and they both hail from the Big Island of Hawaii, USA. They are self-proclaimed “Critter Geeks”, and fell in love with Lembeh because of the incredible marine-life diversity, the unique animals, and the fantastic photography conditions. No matter what your level and what the animal, they are ever-ready to assist with a difficult critter ID, to sit and talk critter sightings, or to look over your photos and provide you with professional photo advice.
improve your underwater photography
These two love to talk about photography and marine life, and have a knack for teaching underwater photography tricks and techniques that will help you get that shot you have always wanted. It doesn’t matter what sort of camera you are shooting with, or how well you know it; these two have a way of shaping their Underwater Photography Courses to specifically meet the needs of each individual diver and their camera.
PADI Digital Underwater Photographer Specialty
The PADI Digital Underwater Photographer Specialty is a fantastic course for the beginner underwater photographer. It covers all the basics, from camera preparation, to underwater shooting tips, and a simple post-processing tutorial.
Personalized Underwater Photography Course
For divers who have already done the PADI course, or for divers looking to improve their skills beyond the scope of the PADI Specialty, Scott and Robyn offer the Personalized Underwater Photography Course, an underwater photography course that can be tailored to fit specific interests and needs.
The Personalized Underwater Photography Course was created to meet the needs of any underwater photographer (beginner, intermediate or more advanced) who is simply looking to improve their skills, both underwater and top-side! It aims to enhance the photographer’s abilities with regards to shooting in modes besides Automatic, understanding a variety of lighting techniques, as well as providing the opportunity to delve deeper into post-process photo editing.
So if you are looking to improve your underwater images, Two Fish Lembeh is the place to do it. See how Tristan found his underwater photography improved after he took the underwater photography course with scott.
Maybe your images can be as good as Robyn & Scotts below!!
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