This week in Lembeh….. we like sinking boats! We were able to add a new structure to our house reef this week, it came in the shape of one of our old transport boats. With the help of Dom and Ina, from Bunaken, we anchored down the boat just on the slope of our house reef as another artificial structure. DMT Philippa and Gerri helped in scouting the location for it and all the guides were very enthusiastic getting the boat and anchors out to the drop site. Plenty of lifting and sinking devices were used to make the project go off without a hitch. Now all we have to do is wait for the critters to find their new home!
Guests Stephen and Anatte have been enjoying Rhinopias, Lembeh Sea Dragons,Tiger Shrimp, Ghost pipefish, Mandarin fish, just to name a few things. Seahorses seem to be seen more often these days as well.
Isabelle and guide Frankli both completed their Nitrox course and are excited to use their new certifications. Isabella was lucky to see Frogfish, cuttlefish, and a blue ringed octopus on her training dives! Sadly though we said goodbye to DMT Philippa who has moved on to Bunaken to finish her training. She has done very well in the last three weeks with us, we wish her the best of luck over in Bunaken.