This week in Bunaken… The weather gods have been all over the place this week with stunning sunshine that became pouring rain and back to sun again in just a blink of the eye. This didn’t put off the divers though who were rewarded with great sightings; plenty of reef sharks, sting rays, the usual abundance of friendly turtles as well as large cuttlefish, schools of squid and tunas and giant trevallies hunting small fish. One exciting treat spotted on Tanjung Parigi was a gorgeous little juvenile batfish trying to look like a flatworm. (Photo: Ina Wallin)
One day on the way back to the resort after the mornings’ dives everybody on the boat were delighted to have a pod of dolphins swimming and jumping in the boat’s bow wave. Great entertainment both above and below the surface!
We have had a few courses going this week. Mark and Marie from England broadened their horizons when they decided to see what lies below 30 m. With PADI Deep Specialty Course they ventured down to 40 m where they found that doing math at that depth becomes quite tricky! Since they are planning a wreck diving trip later in the year, where both being able to deal with depth and have perfect buoyancy is essential, Marie also enrolled in the PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty Course. By the end of it she was a buoyancy ninja! Apple from China did her PADI Open Water Course and it was a great accomplishment as she prior to the course admitted to be scared of water! Well done guys!
We were sad to wave goodbye to Lars and Patrik from Switzerland who stayed with us for almost three weeks. Almost part of the furniture by the time they left! Hope to see you back soon!
Nice photo Kristina Wallin 🙂