This week in Lembongan some of our guests had an amazing dive at Manta Point and discovered a pretty rare species of sharks: a Wobbegong. Wobbegongs are bottom-dwelling sharks and pretty hard to spot, because they are very well camouflaged and rest on sea floors or hide under rocks.
Their symmetrical pattern resembles a carpet so they are often also referred to as ‘carpet sharks’. They have small weed-like whiskers, which act as sensory barbs and they catch smaller fish which swim too close. Among the wobbegong and the mantas at Manta Point our guests Thomas and Barbara from Germany also spotted a turtle, a swarm of beautiful oriental sweetlips and some nudibranch.
Nat finished his Open Water Course with Tracey and Rob, a very nice couple from Australia as well as with Jamie and Quinn. Dion took Vera and Markus for their first Discover Scuba Diving Experience under water and they absolutely fell in love with the ocean. Kathy our intern instructor is still going strong and assisted her first Open Water Course.