We Sea–Horses!

This week in Lembeh…… We Sea–Horses! Recently a fairly common site our guests have been noticing are the abundance of Seahorses around the strait. From the tiny Pygmy to the much much larger Common Seahorse, they can come in all sorts of forms. The Pygmy’s can range from brown to yellow to pink/purple they ranging…

Diving Deep Into The Blue

Belongas, South Lombok is known for its big waves, deep waters, strong surge and strong currents in season. Now most of us divers have always believed that strong currents equal big fish! Usually this is the case. This week however we have had calm surfaces, light surge, next to nothing with currents and a water…

Who you calling a shrimp?!

This week in Lembeh…. All shrimps aren’t “Shrimps”. As I’m sure the Giant Mantis Shrimp think, “ Who you calling a shrimp?! ” Something we have a bountiful amount of here in the strait is shrimp. They come in all colours, shapes, and sizes. For example the whip coral shrimp is only about 1 cm,…

A week of game fish

This week in Bunaken… Divers have been spoiled this week with plenty of encounters of large game fish. Schools of big eye trevallies and yellow fin tunas have cruised by as well as massive dog tooth tunas, great barracudas and giant trevallies. All this activity has also made the reef fish more on the edge…

Cephalopod sensation!

This week in Bunaken… The divers got a cephalopod sensation this week when they ended up among freshly hatched octopus and cuttlefish. During a dive over at the mainland, ‘the muck diving of Bunaken‘, Benita and Janine from Australia all of a sudden found themselves among heaps of tiny little octopus swimming around in the…

Lyn’s PADI Divemaster Training

Well I’m into the final week of my PADI Divemaster internship. The assessment activities are over, but there is always time to learn more about diving. For the last couple of days I have been following some of the dive guides around on dives. The eye that these guys have for tiny critters is amazing!

Belly rubbing turtle

This week in Bunaken… The divers got themselves a good laugh this week when they got to witness a big green turtle give herself a belly rub! The big girl came cruising through the group during a dive on Lekuan II and repeatedly used her front flippers to give herself a good rub on the…