Christmas time in Lembeh
It’s a few days to Christmas and you can feel it in the air. The lights are twinkling and decorations blowing in the gentle Lembeh breeze, hinting at the exciting days that lie ahead.
Amazing Underwater Adventures in Indonesia, since 2001
It’s a few days to Christmas and you can feel it in the air. The lights are twinkling and decorations blowing in the gentle Lembeh breeze, hinting at the exciting days that lie ahead.
The PADI Wreck Specialty is a fantastic course which, once completed, opens the door to truly magnificent wreck diving around the world. Big congratulations to Brent Heckendorf and Jackie Murray for finishing the PADI Wreck Specialty, despite a few frustrating days beached on land watching the calendar with a worried eye. However, an ear infection…
Look closer, Lembeh teaches, on the first day as your eyes adjust to the tiny. No, closer, comes the whisper. Can’t believe this shrimp is so tiny! No, look closer, Lembeh teaches, by the third day as the shrimp is one-sixteenth the size of the last one. No, closer, Lembeh urges, as that speck comes…
The rare Engagement Ring Fish was spotted in Lembeh this week after Will arranged for a beautiful underwater proposal to Jo. The ring was placed in a Giant Clamshell and left for Jo to discover. After she check-marked “YES” on a provided slate, they received underwater congratulations from 15 fellow Two Fish divers. It was…
Everything Halimeda is impressing Two Fish divers in Lembeh this week! If you are not already familiar with the small green leaves of Halimeda Algae, there’s good reason to become acquainted on your next visit to Lembeh. Halimeda Ghostpipefish are just one example of the rare and beautiful creatures that hang out in beds of…
Watching behavior is a favorite pastime of many Lembeh divers. Animals feed on other animals, fish spawn with one another, and of course there is plenty of egg laying going on. This week in Lembeh, Two Fish Divers guests were shocked to see a Shaggy Scorpionfish gobble down a Wonderpus! For a moment it looked…
Who knew there was beautiful reef diving in Lembeh? Often overlooked because of all the world-class muck diving sites, there are also some amazing reef dives in Lembeh. Angel’s Window is a regularly requested site amongst return guests because of all the incredible animals encountered there. Bargibanti Pygmy Seahorses are easily located at a few…
A few of our guests were lucky enough to witness baby Flamboyant Cuttlefish hatching in Lembeh this week! Their eggs were first discovered a week prior and a few dedicated guests and guides returned time and again before finally witnessing the big event! As if it’s not incredible enough to watch the juveniles squirm about…
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